Why you should be a Bigger Person Always?

Manesh Kumar
4 min readJul 7, 2021

Being a Bigger person means you love yourself and your peace of mind more than anything in this world. It may be sometimes unreasonable for you to be one because you feeling like, you are the victim here. Considering, the bigger picture in mind will make you feel good about yourself with a better understanding of others.

I am telling you from my experience of life, I have made big blunders in my teenage and adulthood because of playing victim all the time. It took me half a decade to grasp that being a bigger person goes long way, even people will remember you after you are gone.

I am not stating that it would be easy to be a bigger person, it never will be and it never was. Revenge is easy, getting in a screaming match is very easy if you finding an easy way to be a bigger person at that moment. But the easiest way to be a bigger person is just walking away, and saying to yourself, “God bless them”. This little gesture would do wonders to you. And, If you can do only this, you are already a bigger person.

Being a Bigger person doesn’t mean, you have to stick around, just because you are feeling lonely or finding yourself uncomfortable when facing them, it means you can resist the urge to scream at them and spitting at them, even they deserve it.

It is never easy to put something behind you and move on. But I can assure you that you are capable to do, what the majority of people wouldn’t choose to do. But hey, You aren’t the majority, You are a Bigger Person.

You receive three privileges when you choose to be a Bigger Person:

Makes you stronger mentally

Many would find it funny that how can letting go make you stronger mentally, especially you are losing out to another person. Surprisingly, you are a Bigger person and you choose your peace of mind over winning that argument and it takes mental strength, my friend. With a period of time, you will see good changes reflecting in other areas of life. It would feel disadvantageous at a time but when looking back in time, you will definitely feel like a bigger person. On the flip side, an average human is not that strong to be a bigger person. He is capable of but he

doesn’t choose to.

You Will Always Feel Relieved

Letting your emotions speak for you will always make you feel miserable, but letting your intelligence speak will always make you feel relieved and a bigger person. It would take lots of patience and effort to be a bigger person, but you are capable of it. Once you know the drill, you will be so relieved and energetic all the time. Silence will become your superpower and patience will be your best friend.

Since childhood, I have been a troubled child, always fighting and crying over things missing, and that childhood trait came along to adulthood and it literally messed up my peace of mind. Like I felt obligated to reply to every question, which often ended up in arguments and grudges. After some time, I also felt obligated to love myself and take care of myself because, in this world, no one cares for you, Literally no one. I am not saying, I have become a bigger person as it is a life-long practice. But the sooner you start, the better you feel.

Understanding Of People Will Make You Smarter

Being a Bigger person means creating lots of understanding in yourself. Without understanding, it is not attainable. And when you create understanding, you will be so kinder and gracious to others like never before, I can assure you that. You will get a good sense of how to deal actively with complicated people if you create an understanding for them in the first place.

Judging others is what I had been doing seriously. Always wanting to be dominant and playing victim, not even knowing the full story. But as I said above, it is my responsibility to love myself and get a better person. I took lots of help from online videos, self-help books, and optimistic people in my life. It created so much understanding as I have so much to learn about people at 24. It feels odd sometimes like really, I have to figure this out now. Then,

a song by Toby Keith; ‘Don’t Let the Old man in’, Remind me, It’s never too late to be Great.

This song is really a lifesaver to all those who let their age decide their heartily desires.

God bless everyone reading this, I wanna tell you, you can be as bigger and better as you desire to be. Nothing can stop you and best of luck.



Manesh Kumar

My love for reading and writing can not be explained just in simple words. I write my life stories to help people broaden their perspectives of life.