Why I love mistakes ?

Manesh Kumar
2 min readJun 28, 2021

It seems so embarrassing to most people nowadays to make mistakes due to social media pressure, comparison, and quick results-driven passion. I have learned hard way that mistakes are the only way to get ahead in life, mistakes give me a sense of self-satisfaction, wisdom, and lesson to better myself in many ways.

In the teenage years of my life, I always feared doing different things, talking to different people and insecurity was the only thing I was carrying with me. But, as time passed, I was compelled to take different jobs to survive my needs, I learned and noticed that all the people are the same as me. They are just carrying their insecurities better than me. Since then, I have started loving mistakes. Now, I just talk to people, just do things I was afraid to do. At the end of the day, I ask myself, did I make enough mistakes? If not, I Suck but let’s try tom!

Mistakes insert a big dose of confidence in me

Yeah, it may sound funny to many, like how mistakes can build confidence. It should be embarrassing. But to me, it is only embarrassing, if you do not learn from them. When you learn about them, you try the same thing again with such killer confidence, knowing where you sucked last time. No one cares how many times you make mistakes, you just have to get it right once. And it is realistic fact as per my experience.

Mistakes teach me to be kinder to myself

Just take a second to realize, how many times other people screw us over and put us in difficult situations knowingly and unknowingly, and we just let it go and be nice to them, pretending we are kind humans. But on the flip side, when we make little mistakes, we get super mad and stressed like we murdered someone’s girlfriend and it’s a pathetic thing ever, we do to ourselves honestly. I have been a very serious and self-judging kiddo since childhood. Taking little mistakes for granted and literally screwed my peace of mind over time. Mistakes are helping me to be kinder to myself like the way I am to that stranger who mistakenly walked over my shoes on the way to work. I urge everyone, never forget you are a tree plant in human form and water yourself more when heat is high.

And I love this kindness part most about mistakes. So humbly request you all to love your mistakes. It will go long way certainly.



Manesh Kumar

My love for reading and writing can not be explained just in simple words. I write my life stories to help people broaden their perspectives of life.