The stranger turned into a Lifesaver

Manesh Kumar
3 min readJul 11, 2021


It was a cloudy morning, on the way to work, a stranger’s message popped up on my phone. At first, I was hesitant to reply but then she was being nice so I said hello back. I could feel authenticity in her messages and she said she’s boring because she’s a nerd who roams around in Chicago and does yoga and cycling. I said, what could be more intriguing than looking after body and mind. I came to know more about her and her story turned her from a stranger into a lifesaver.

Life turned upside down for her when she was in the third year of medical school. Her mom caught a life-threatening disease and was admitted to ICU. Her mom was the only person in her life, with whom she shared everything and loved more than anyone. She lost track of her studies as she was so worried about her mom and spent days and nights looking after her in ICU.

you don’t know who is important to you,

until you lose them

Fate had something else in the store and her mom couldn’t survive. It was an unbearable loss to her. That loss caused her to confront severe depression and sadness was the only thing she could feel. Escaping from depression, she turned out to be so suicidal that she overdosed and ended up unconscious in the Psychiatric ward. Ten days left to third-year finals, she has no idea what is going on.

There are wounds that never show on the body,

that are deeper and more hurtful than anything bleeds

After listening to all this, I got real goosebumps. I was double thinking of complaining that my life is hard or I haven't got what it takes. From that moment on, She just became a lifesaver for me on that uninspired day.

I was so desperate to know, what kept her going?

She sent me this

Her mom’s dream

Her mom dreamt that she works hard and pursue her Medical studies further in the USA. She worked day and night those last days of exams and nailed the exams. with the sheer willingness to pursue mom’s wish, she ended up in the USA, hearing that I smiled with tearful eyes.

I was left so astonished how destiny is working, I had no idea who she’s. At first, I was reluctant to talk due to my lack of confidence. I told her about some of my struggles. She said, Manesh, we all have to leave this world one day, so cherish every moment with a smile and if I can make it after all this, you can kill it.

I am still thanking God for sending this stranger as a lifesaver in times of despair. She often checks on me, making my mood cheerful with laughs, compassion, and hope.

Life is really unpredictable so just cherish every moment and you never know your lifesaver is around the corner.



Manesh Kumar

My love for reading and writing can not be explained just in simple words. I write my life stories to help people broaden their perspectives of life.