“As a man thinketh in his heart. so shall he be.

How One Thought Can Do Wonders

Manesh Kumar
4 min readJun 30, 2021

It is a known fact that humans are the only creatures on earth with the ability to feel good, sad, joyful, miserable, and excited with just one thought which makes us so powerful than we think we are. Feel good thought, you feel good and feel bad thought, you feel bad. So much wonderful and simple it is. I am sure you get caught in most difficult situations than I can imagine, but One thought it all takes to just change the perspective giving you more Power.

Choosing negative thoughts are natural, it does not take any effort, but on flip side, choosing positive thoughts take a lot of practice, faith and discipline. But once you are obsessed with good thoughts, you will be blessed with wonders and abundance and I am not just saying this to get attention but I am living example of this. Mind muscle is good muscle when controlled but worst when uncontrolled.

If you want to be unstoppable, take your thought process through following filters and i assure crazy wonders you ever imagined

Think Before You Think

There were times in my life when I always felt unhappy and as miserable as ever. I couldn't not just figure out what i am missing. Materialistically, I am blessed beyond more than 80%. Not claiming, I am a millionaire lol (that's next goal), good food, loving family and good friends are more than enough to be grateful (as per my dad). So, i had big urge to fight those unhappy and miserable thoughts because I am ONE-LIFE BELIEVER. After talking to a very good friend and quite successful person, i was enlightened to Think Before Think Concept and it just changed my mindset to so good and wonderful.

We get so caught up in other people’s problems, glory and their opinion about us that it totally blurs our mind that we cannot think a little about us. We put so much effort about others in our mind leaving ourselves so behind and empty and misery is only reward after that for sure.

So now on-wards, just affirm that you are amazing human being with a bigger purpose and a beautiful life, disregard anything that does not support this statement. Always give your self 20 seconds before thinking a thought if it is not a good one, just skip and ignore. Think about yourself with that vision you had. When other people screw you and they will lol, just think a thought, “God bless them” and if you can just think that I can tell you are so stronger person with big heart.

See Good First

I always found myself with many people on bad terms because i was just seeing mostly what is missing. I just lacked understanding and that See Good Eye. Amazingly, See Good trick have brought me so much peace, happiness and more understanding about myself(that i always want). For example, you are working in a place where you do not get along with your colleagues, Just try this See Good First for a week, not saying that they buy you Zinger burger then you see Good LOL, just little things like smiling when they saying you hello, get to know them well and see how they are beating their adversities. Understating with Good eye Goes a long way, bringing you and others so much peace. Count other people’s qualities and your thoughts will automatically do wonders. It is super easy to judge others but harder to See Good. So get on this hard now because nothing comes easy in this life especially good things.


As I told about me in above (think before think part) that I was feeling unhappy and miserable despite having all material things because I lacked basic appreciation of things and people i was blessed with. Always rushing and wishing for more and appreciating things on hand was biggest lesson I learned hard way, only telling you that i really want to save you from that misery. APPRECIATE, APPRECIATE AND APPRECIATE, no matter whatsoever or howsoever. It comes back in million ways to you. Say thank you for little things and see that how that one thought and word do wonders to you. Appreciate your family most, always. Complaining about your parents is worst thing you can ever do to yourself. Appreciate those you love you, appreciate those who want to see you smile.

One thought at a time and you will be powerful, happiest and optimistic than ever been. Enjoy this process mindfully for a week and let me know in comments how it did wonders for you.




Manesh Kumar

My love for reading and writing can not be explained just in simple words. I write my life stories to help people broaden their perspectives of life.